A new academic year!


Posted by mrsrharrispetworth | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on September 8, 2021

Hello and welcome to Year 4!

I thought I would use the first blog entry for this year to briefly introduce you to the topics we will be covering this term and to share our learning from the first week of school after the long Summer break.

This term we will be learning about the continent of Europe and its key geographical and human characteristics. We will then move on to learning about ancient Rome and the impact of the Roman invasion on Britain. More information about what we are covering in each curriculum area can be found on the class curriculum letter.

We have already begun working hard this week! In maths, we have been learning to identify numbers from different representations and recognise the value of each digit depending on its place in a number.

We have been researching the UK and finding out facts to use in a non-chronological report. We are now planning our reports based on the information we have found.


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